
on Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bring Life to Ordinary Spaces 把生命带到普间
Life = ??
Ordidnary spaces = ??


Anonymous said...



杰馨苑 said...




Anonymous said...

hi im new here, just bought a terrace at nusa duta, want to know more about this project.
actually just came back from the office, to view the lastest master plan, found that opposite the current terrace will be banglo houses, no longer terrace, at the further up back there, seems is a new site going to build bigger terrace houses but not confirm yet.

杰馨苑 said...

Hi Anonymous, thank you for your message.

The "new site" that u mentioned belongs to Nusa Bestari. They will build cluster houses and maybe semi-d in that precint.

Feel free to add me in MSN for further discussion. =)

P/S: Did u attend the appreciate night?

Anonymous said...

yes i attended the dinner.
i met a few buyers of cluster house and my neighbor too.
hope can see more pictures of the site progress.
pls upload.

Anonymous said...

Hi..I will be the future owner for the Semi-D in ND..
Any one can advise the contact person for IJM management who can decide if I will like to customise the house. I understand that the work is in progress and they have not install the balcony. Will like to make some change to balcony and ground floor toilet...a bit narrow and small...plus ground floor toilet look a bit run down with space..not really good for occupant or guest for a semi-D house ;(..
Any good advise? Thanks..

tkc said...

im so envy you can afford a SD in ND, how much you bought?
Actually i also ask to change the floor tiles for my terrace house, but they told me to write to request (no guarantee can approve), and give a lot of reason like the authority not approve lah and this will delay the hand over. so im give up already!

Anonymous said...

thinking to buy a cluster type A in ND.. but i'm quite worried with the transport there.. with only one exit,to nusa bestari some more.. wouldn't it be very jam later?? imagine all residents using the single exit esp during work hours in the morning??

杰馨苑 said...

Hi Anonymous, there is a new traffic light near to Restaurant Habib. That should be able to ease the traffic during peak hour. In addition, once the coastal highway is complete, I believe most people will be heading to the perling direction instead.

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