Nusa Duta Appreciation Nite

on Tuesday, June 29, 2010




1.  尽量安排同款屋型的家庭在同一桌。

2. 多一些让居民互相交流的机会/时间。

3. 邀请发展商的幕后老板们共襄盛举,让居民进一步认识与了解。

4. 发展商可以藉此机会向居民们更新目前发展蓝图的最新动态与近况,让平日鲜少有机会到大观园办事处的居民能更进一步的了解详情。

5. 提供民意调查表,让居民有机会提供自己梦想家园的看法与建议。目前大观园仍处在刚起步的发展阶段,发展商能考虑居民建设性的意见并纳入发展蓝图中,由居民与发展商携手打造理想中的“大观园”(Bring life to ordinary space)。



on Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bring Life to Ordinary Spaces 把生命带到普间
Life = ??
Ordidnary spaces = ??

Malaysia's warmer ties with Singapore a boon for Johor

on Tuesday, June 15, 2010

PROPERTY developer IJM Land Bhd (5215), a 62 per cent-owned unit of IJM Corp Bhd, is optimistic of properties in Johor rising in value in view of the nation's warming ties with Singapore.

Last month, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his Singapore counterpart, Lee Hsien Loong, agreed that both governments would put greater faith in a new "iconic" business project in Iskandar Malaysia.

Among the items at the discussion table was a proposal for a rapid transit link between Tanjung Puteri in Johor Baru and Singapore, which would integrate public transport services like buses.

The rapid transit system is targeted to be operational by 2018.Property developers in Johor welcome the warming ties between the two countries.

"We definitely welcome the plans to extend Singapore's MRT (mass rapid transport) to Iskandar. It is bound to bring about property value appreciation there," IJM Land managing director Datuk Soam Heng Choon said.

"Incidentally, Nusa Duta - a residential cluster of 1,200 terraced and semi-detached houses - stands to gain from this connectivity. With better public transportation, we see more people staying in Johor and working in Singapore," Soam told Business Times in an interview in Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

As the country's economic recovery gains pace, property developers like IJM Land are stepping up efforts to woo prospective buyers and property investors.

IJM Land's three-month "More Package" campaign, which runs until August, offers to waive the stamp duty and legal fee on housing loans as well as a cash rebate of up to 10 per cent.

Buyers can also enjoy zero-interest payments over the course of the construction period until they obtain vacant possession of the units.

However, the campaign applies only to select properties.

Soam was optimistic of good response, citing its "My Space Plan" campaign last year, which achieved the targeted RM250 million sales.

As consumer sentiment improves, he expects better sales for both residential and commercial units in the Klang Valley, Penang and Johor.

"We target RM300 million sales from this year's campaign."

IJM Land plans to launch 20 projects worth some RM600 million this year.

From Business Times, June 15 2010

梦想家园的开始 - 工程进展 2010年6月

on Monday, June 7, 2010

随着7月1日起外国人只能买RM500K以上的房产,最近看到许多的外国人趁着这个最后良机纷纷在新山一带置业。因此,相信新山房产的销路在这一两个月内一定是节节上升,屡创佳绩!我们的邻居也应该有不少来自邻国的朋友在这里卖屋退休或是纯粹当成是周末屋(weekend house)。

